by Dave Stewart YOU’VE JUST BEEN DIAGNOSED WITH PV… …and now, most likely, you’re looking online for info…anything…to tell you what to expect, what’s next, how long you’re going to live… First things first – Don’t panic. Easier said than done, but learning how to control your stress and keep it at a healthy level […]
Dr Heinz Gisslinger Enlightens us – Treating MPNs with Interferon for 30 Years
AOP 2014 – The Next Generation Interferon Second in ASH 2014 Series by David Wallace Dr Heinz Gisslinger from Vienna, Austria is a pioneer in treating MPN patients with Interferon (IFN). PV Reporter sits down with Dr Gisslinger at ASH 2014 to discuss the history of Interferon treatment in MPNs, as well as AOP 2014. […]
Polycythemia Vera Pre-diagnosis Patient Report
Publisher’s Intro by David Wallace As a certified, red-blooded JAK2 positive Polycythemia Vera (PV) patient, I have always been fascinated by the events leading up to a PV diagnosis. By sharing our stories, perhaps we offer “a dose of comfort” to the new or recently diagnosed. When they read of struggles that other patient’s experience, […]
Synopsis of ASH 2013 Abstract – Peginvera study
by Dr. Angela Fleischman Synopsis of ASH 2013 Abstract: “Analysis of Molecular Responses and Chromosomal Aberrations in patients with PV treated with Peg-Proline-Interferon Alpha-2b (AOP2014/P1101) in the Peginvera study” by Them et al This abstract describes the chromosomal analysis of PV patients on the Peginvera study (a study investigating a long-acting IFNa which can be […]
Riggins Black Polycythemia Vera Story
Interferon use in PV – A Patient’s Perspective by Riggins Black Looking back at old CBCs, I found I “might” have had PV since 1971. By the way, this is a good reason for you all to become guardians of your medical records (no one will preserve them as well as you can). Although I’ve always […]